Practice Tests

Wondering how you'll perform on the exam? Take our online CSET English Practice Tests!

Designed by leading educators based on the CCTC’s exact CSET English content specifications, our CSET English Practice Tests are as close to the real thing as you can get.

After you’ve completed a practice exam, your test will be instantly auto-graded. You can then view each question you got right and wrong along with the correct answers. You’ll also receive a complete diagnostic breakdown of the areas you need to review, an immensely valuable tool as you begin the study process.

Best of all, our CSET English Practice Tests and diagnostics are absolutely free!  (Note: free auto-grading applies to Subtests 1 and 2 which are multiple choice; Subtests 3 and 4 are entirely written-response, scored by a live, professional grader, and a fee applies should you choose to utilize this optional service.)

Please watch our CSET Practice Tests Info Video if you'd like to learn more about how to make the most of this free online resource, or select one of the CSET English Practice Tests listed below to begin your CSET English Practice Exam now.


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