Praxis Study Guides: Learn Exactly What's on Your Exam

Our free online Praxis Study Guides give you a concise, bullet-pointed listing of exactly what topics will appear on your exam, so you can ensure you're studying the right material, right from the start.

Whether you decide to prep with us, or study on your own, reviewing these guides is a great way to begin your test preparation.

Praxis Study Guides are available for all sections of the Praxis Core exam (Mathematics, Reading, and Writing), as well as for Praxis Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (5018), Praxis Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (5001-5005), Praxis Middle School Mathematics (5169), Praxis Mathematics: Content Knowledge (5161), Praxis General Science: Content Knowledge (5435), Praxis Educational Leadership (5411), Praxis Special Education (5354/5543) and Praxis Social Studies: Content Knowledge (5081).

Select your test below to learn more and access your free online Praxis Study Guide now!


Praxis Core


Praxis Elem. Ed. Cont. Know. (5018)

Praxis Elem. Ed. Mult. Subj. (5001)

Praxis Middle School Math (5169)

Praxis Mathematics (5161)

Praxis Science (5435)

Praxis ELAS (5411)

Praxis Social Studies (5081)

Praxis Special Education (5354)

Praxis Special Education (5543)

Praxis PLT: Grades K-6 (5622)


Looking for a Praxis exam not listed above?  Click here to view other Praxis tests.




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