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NOTE: Praxis 5018 is the Praxis Elementary Education: Content Knowledge exam, Praxis 5001 is the Praxis Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects exam (which includes subtests 5002-5005), Praxis 5169 is the Praxis Middle School Mathematics exam, Praxis 5161 is Praxis Mathematics: Content Knowledge exam, Praxis 5435 is the Praxis General Science: Content Knowledge exam, Praxis 5411 is Praxis Educational Leadership, Praxis 5081 is Praxis Social Studies: Content Knowledge, Praxis 5354/5543 are Praxis Special Education, Praxis 5622 is Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades K-6, FTCE GK is FTCE General Knowledge 082 and FTCE Elem Ed is FTCE Elementary Education K-6 (060).

CSET Math CSET Science CSET Soc. Sci.
CSET English CSET Writing CPACE
ParaPro Praxis Core Praxis 5018
Praxis 5001 Praxis 5169 Praxis 5161
Praxis 5411 Praxis 5081 Praxis 5435
Praxis 5543 Praxis 5622 Praxis 5354


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