2021-22 Exam Dates, Fees, Testing Locations, Registration Info, and Prep Resources

This page provides access to all the key info you need as a ParaPro test-taker, including 2021-22 exam dates, testing center locations, fees, registration info, and prep resources.

You can also view our free ParaPro Study Guides for a concise, bullet-pointed listing of exactly which topics appear on your exam, and take our free ParaPro Practice Tests to see your current likelihood of passing and a complete diagnostic breakdown of your individual strengths and weaknesses in each exam domain, so you can focus your valuable study time on the specific content knowledge you need for success on test day.

When you're ready to sign up for the exam, please visit the official ParaPro testing service website at www.ets.org.parapro.


Key Praxis ParaPro Info and Resources

We recommend bookmarking this page (Ctrl+D or Command+D) so you can continue to utilize the info and resources below as you prepare for the exam.

General ParaPro Test Info Test Preparation Resources

2021-22 Test Dates

Free Practice Tests

Testing Center Locations

Free Study Guides

Testing Fees

Online Prep  (Our most popular prep service.)

Overview of Registration Info

One-on-One Tutoring

Official Testing Service Website

In-Person Prep Classes


Parapro Test Info

Praxis ParaPro Exam Overview


The ParaPro Assessment (1755) is a general aptitude test required in many states for paraprofessional certification. It measures skills and knowledge in reading, mathematics, and writing.  Often school districts use Praxis ParaPro scores to assess your foundation of knowedge and skills.  

Content Categories: Reading, Mathematics, Writing
Number of questions: 90 multiple-choice questions (30 from each content category)
Detailed list of topics covered on test: View ParaPro Study Guide
Time to complete test: 2.5 hours

The ParaPro is given in participating school districts. A list of test centers can be found at www.ets.org/parapro/register/centers. Candidates may register for the ParaPro exam by contacting the test center directly.  For more info on Praxis test registration, please click below...

Praxis ParaPro Registration Info


ParaPro Testing Costs

2021-22 Praxis ParaPro Assessment Testing Costs*

Below is an overview of the 2021-22 Praxis ParaPro Assessment testing fees for computer-based testing.

ParaPro Service Fees
ParaPro Assessment (1755) $55 test registration fee
Location Premium Fee Varies by Location
Additional Score Reports $50 each

*Please note: The above information is provided for your convenience. No warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of this information.  All test-takers should visit the official website at https://www.ets.org/parapro to confirm fees, registration, and testing requirements before enrolling.



ParaPro Test Dates

2021-22 Praxis ParaPro Test Dates* for Computer-Based Testing

Praxis ParaPro computer-based testing is now offered continuously throughout the year based on the availability of the testing location.  

ParaPro Test Name Testing Window
ParaPro Assessment continuous testing

*Please note: The above test dates and score reporting timeframes are provided for your convenience. No warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. Not all test centers are open on all test dates, and specific registration policies and procedures may apply. All test-takers should visit the official Praxis website at https://www.ets.org/parapro to confirm test dates, registration, and testing requirements before enrolling.


For more info on Praxis test dates and advice on choosing the best date for you, please click below...

How to Choose Your Praxis Test Date


Click below to visit the official Praxis ParaPro testing service website...


Official ParaPro Website



Want to learn more about the Praxis ParaPro exam before registering?  Start by viewing our free Praxis ParaPro Study Guide to get a concise overview of exactly what subject matter will appear on your exam, then take our free, full-length Praxis ParaPro Practice Test with diagnostics to see how you will perform and identify any areas in which you may need to improve...


  Free Praxis ParaPro Practice Tests


  Free Praxis ParaPro Study Guides


PLEASE NOTE: The ParaPro information provided above is intended as a helpful overview.  It is not comprehensive, and is not intended to replace the full information found on the official ParaPro website.  No warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness of this information.  All test-takers should visit the official Praxis website at www.ets.org for complete ParaPro registration info and to confirm test dates, procedures, and testing requirements, and should consider their individual needs, before making any registration decisions.  Teachers Test Prep is an independent test preparation company, and is not affiliated with Educational Testing Service (ETS), the company that administers the ParaPro.


 Quality Praxis ParaPro Preparation Is Essential...

We care about our students' success, and our programs get results.  That's why we are recommended by top educators and universities, and why we're able to offer the strongest guarantees in the industry.  Click below to learn more about available test preparation options...


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