The Exam Can Be Scary.  Enrolling in Prep Shouldn't Have to Be.


At Teachers Test Prep, our goal is to provide the best, and most effective, Praxis, CSET, CBEST, and RICA test preparation programs available anywhere.  We realize that these tests can be critical to your teaching career, and we appreciate the trust that you place in us when you enroll in our prep classes, private tutoring, and online prep programs.  Below are our guarantees to you.


“Take It Again Free” Guarantee*: For Prep Classes

Our classes are designed to teach you all the subject matter knowledge and strategy you need to take your exam with confidence… and pass.  If after taking any Teachers Test Prep class, you don’t feel completely ready for your exam, or if you take the exam and don’t pass, you can take our class once more at no additional charge at any of our available dates and locations during the next year.


Learn More About Prep Classes


Satisfaction Guarantee*: For Private Tutoring

Only the best tutors make the cut to become Teachers Test Prep tutors.  Most hold an advanced degree (usually a Masters or PhD).  All are caring and enthusiastic teachers who are experts on the exams for which they tutor, and they have a proven track record of success.  If after your first tutoring session, you’re not 100% satisfied with your tutor for any reason, simply contact us before your next session and we’ll give you a full refund on all your remaining sessions.


Learn More About Private Tutoring


Money Back or Extended Support Guarantee*: For Online Prep (Core Plus and Golden Apple Only)

Our on-demand online prep programs are engaging, easy to use, and extremely effective… so effective, in fact, that we’re able to offer an online prep guarantee that few others can: if you don’t pass, you don’t pay

Just use our Core Plus or Golden Apple online prep program and attempt your exam at least twice within 6 months.  If you don’t pass, send us a copy of your score reports anytime within 30 days of your program expiration date and we’ll send you a full refund

On SELECT EXAMS for which we offer live tutoring services, instead of a refund, you may also choose to receive our Extended Support program at no additional charge.  Extended Support includes an additional 6 months of online prep, plus a free, two-hour, one-on-one tutoring session for each subtest in which you were enrolled in online prep and did not pass (a $160 value per subtest).  Your live, expert tutor will help you attempt to diagnose and address the issues that may be preventing you from passing.


Learn More About Online Prep



*Please see our Terms of Service for full details on all Guarantees; some rules and restrictions apply.


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