Get One-on-One Help from a Test Expert

The RICA exam can be challenging. But with our Golden Apple online prep program, you'll not only learn the subject matter and test strategies you need for success, you'll also receive a 2-hour online tutoring session with one of our caring and dedicated test experts. This one-on-one help is the perfect way to address specific content areas or practice test questions that are giving you trouble, including constructed responses.

To get the most out of your tutoring session, we recommend you first complete the RICA Online Prep included in our Golden Apple program. It uses engaging instructional videos and interactive practice tests to teach you all the key content and strategies you need to pass. By working through the prep materials first, you can then schedule your tutoring session closer to your test date and get the most out of your time with your tutor.


To get started, enroll in our Golden Apple RICA Online Prep program.

Learn About Online Prep


If you've already purchased a Golden Apple program, schedule your tutoring session below.

Enroll in One-on-One Tutoring


Watch our 2-minute Tutoring Info/Help Video for an overview of what to expect in tutoring and how to enroll.


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