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Click below to play a sample Core Video from our CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 1 Online Prep program.  This particular video focuses on analogies, including the two most common types of analogies you'll be asked to identify on the CSET: metaphors and similies.  Analogy is a topic that appears on Subtest 1 multiple choice questions, and it is also quite common to encounter constructed response questions in which you are given a short excerpt and asked to discuss the author's use of analogy in the passage.

When you purchase any of our CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 1 Online Prep programs, you'll get Core Videos like this one covering every key reading, language, literature, and world, U.S., and California history concept you need to pass.  You'll learn the same key subject matter you would in our live classes, as well as strategies for success on the various multiple choice and constructed response question types you can expect on the exam.  Then, once you are confident with the underlying subject matter, you can watch our Smart-STEM Virtual Tutoring videos, in which a tutor will show you how to apply your knowledge to the specific question types you are most likely to encounter on the actual test.

Both our Core Videos and Smart-STEM Virtual Tutoring videos are included in all our Online Prep programs!


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CSET Multiple Subjects Online Prep


These Core Videos Are Included in All Our CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 1 Online Prep Programs...

Below is a complete list of the Core Videos that are included in all our CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 1 Online Prep programs.  These videos have been created by our industry-leading team of Teachers and Subject Matter Experts based on the official Content Specifications published for the CSET, along with research and feedback from students and test takers, so you get an engaging, easy-to-use, and highly-focused program that makes the absolute most of your study time and teaches you the exact content knowledge and strategy you need to pass the exam.

  • Phonology and the Alphabetic Principle
  • Morphology
  • Syntax
  • Semantics
  • Pragmatics
  • Development of a First Language
  • Acquisition of Subsequent Languages
  • Developing Literacy
  • Assessment
  • Analyzing Sentence Structure and Function
  • Usage, Capitalization and Punctuation
  • Types of Writing
  • The Writing Process
  • Organization of Passages
  • Rewriting Sentences to Improve Clarity and Effectiveness
  • Presentation Components in Speech
  • Changes to Std. Oral English Usage
  • Citing, Selecting and Using Research Sources
  • Concepts and Conventions of Texts
  • Plot, Setting, Conflict, and Character
  • Tone, Mood, and Point of View
  • Irony, Paradox, Foreshadowing, and Other Literary Elements
  • Analogy (You are currently viewing this free sample video.)
  • Rhyme, Meter, Alliteration and Other Structural Elements
  • Genres and Traditions
  • Interpretation of Theme and Meaning
  • Early Ancient Civilizations
  • Classical Civilizations
  • Other Ancient Civilizations of Europe, Asia, and Africa
  • Medieval and Early Modern Asia
  • Medieval and Early Modern African and Arabian Civilizations
  • Medieval and Early Modern European Civilizations
  • Pre-Columbian American Civilizations
  • The Renaissance and Scientific Revolution
  • World Economic and Political Systems
  • Early Exploration of North America
  • The Colonial Era
  • The War for Independence (This video is available in our set of Free Test Prep Sample Videos.)
  • The United States Political System
  • The Growing Country
  • The Civil War
  • Reconstruction and the Later Rise of Jim Crow Practices
  • The Industrial Revolution and U.S. Patterns of Urban Growth
  • American Society in the 19th Century
  • California’s American Indian Peoples
  • Spanish Exploration, Colonization, and The Mission System
  • Mexican Rule in California
  • War Between Mexico and the United States
  • Discovery of Gold and the Effects
  • California's Constitution and Government
  • Patterns of Immigration to California and the Effects
  • California’s Major Economic Activities


Enroll in CSET Multiple Subjects Online Prep, and you can begin watching all these Core Videos right now!  You'll also get instant access to a host of other great features, including Smart-STEM Virtual Tutoring Videos in which an expert tutor will discuss each question on your full-length, CSET Multiple Subjects Subtest 1 (Version 1) Practice Test, teaching you proven strategies for applying the subject matter knowledge you've gained from our Core Videos to the specific types of questions you are most likely to encounter on the real exam.

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